
  1. Arches to Nave
  2. Base
  3. Beam to Chancel Roof
  4. Beams
  5. Capitals
  6. Chancel Arch
  7. Chancel/Sancturary (Catholic)
  8. Cill 21
  9. Clerestory Window
  10. Column or Shaft to Column i.e.from Capital to Base
  11. Corbels
  12. Cornice
  13. Font
  14. Moulding
  15. Nave Walls
  16. Pews
  17. Pilaster
  18. Pulpit
  19. Rood Screen
  20. Roof Panels to Nave
  21. Side Aisle Ceiling or Roof Panel
  22. Side Aisle Walls
  23. Truss
  24. Window Recess or Reveal
  25. Window Surround

Due to the conditions frequently found in all churches (solid walls, no DPC and poor intermittent heating) modern paint coatings have difficulty coping as they are less permeable and therefore restrict the passage of moisture vapour which is constantly present in the solid walls. The result is commonly found to be premature blistering and flaking. The old lime washes &dDistempers used in the past were very effective at releasing moisture from the stone but they were constantly needing re-coating, were extremely powdery, and were disfigured by a high incidence of staining.