WasteWaste is a problem for individuals, companies and the country as whole - from an economic perspective and well as an environmental point of view.
We at ICI Paints strive to develop new products and containers with reduced environmental impacts while still maintaining our quality performance standards. We also take practical steps to ensure our product manufacturing and distribution processes are carried out in such a way that pollution, waste and other environmental impacts are minimised.
There are also a number of things that you as a customer and end user can do to help.
ReduceWe continue to seek ways of reducing the amount of material that goes into our packaging, but you can also reduce the amount of paint you purchase by simply checking the coverage rates on the back of the can or on the product detail pages on this site.
Re-useIn order to be re-used once opened, paints must be stored correctly. Replacing the lid firmly then invert the can for a couple of seconds, thereby creating a seal which prevents the paint skinning. Store in an area which does not have extremes of temperatures and is protected from frost.
We donate our left-over paint to Community RePaint, which helps local community projects. If you'd like to learn more about this scheme or find out how to donate any excess paint, scheme visit www.communityrepaint.org.uk
RecycleWe are actively seeking to increase the amount of packaging material that is sourced from post-factory and post-consumer waste. The Glidden 15 litre ready mixed paint containers are already made from 25% recycled material.
We are also actively looking for ways to improve the recyclability of paint packaging and have trialled several construction site projects where containers have been recovered for recycling.
Final disposalWhenever disposing of waste coatings (paint and woodcare) and containers, we recommend dealing with a reputable waste contractor (local authority or private contractor), to ensure that the regulations are complied with. Such a contractor will need to be given the relevant waste regulations code by you. We have reviewed the classification of waste decorative coatings (paints and woodcare) and containers into codes according to the latest waste regulations (as given in Environment Agency guidance document WM2). Our general advice on this is as follows:
Advised method of disposal
- Use as much of the product from the container as possible, scraping out the last dregs with the brush
- Leave the lid off to allow residue to dry fully
- Allocate the waste regulations code for your item of waste according to our handy decision trees and dispose of appropriately via your waste contractor
By following this advice and taking the time to deal with and classify your waste correctly you could reduce your waste disposal costs and reduce the creation of hazardous waste.